Viewing linked images in Normal view.



I use Front Page 2000. I create some decorative webs that I allow others to
use and I also give them the privilege of linking to them on my server. In
the past I have never had any problems viewing linked images in my Front Page
normal view. Now however it seems that these linked images will not show up
unless it's in the preview view. For example if the HTML contained this line:
<img src="apa-main.jpg" width="372" height="390"> I would have no problems
viewing it in the normal view since the image resides in the same folder as
my web page. However if the HTML was like this <img
src="" width="372" height="390"> in the
normal view the image would display with a red X only but in the preview view
I can see it as it actually is.

This only recently started after I had to reinstall my Windows and I
reinstalled the Front Page. Every other aspect of Front Page works fine.

Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

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