Viewing notes



A team member has inserted a Note to a task in project web access. The
changes were saved and updated. The project manager has accepted the changes
but when the project manager looks in project web access, the note can not be
found. It can only be seen in MS Project when opening the file.

How can notes be made visible in PWA ?


Dale Howard [MVP]

Marco --

The Project Server administrator would need to add the Notes field to the
relevant views in PWA. Hope this helps.



Yes thanks, this solves part of my problem.

We only put notes to taks that are linked to tasks in another project. The
second problem I have is that the notes are not visible at "ghost" tasks
which appear in the other project.

This is what I am trying to achieve:
1) In Project A there is a milestone X
2) We insert a note to this milestone "task" with a description
3) This milestone is linked to another project, Project B.
4) Milestone X appears in Project B as a "ghost task"
5) There I would like to see the note that I have inserted for this
milestone X but that does not work.

I have also tried it with a custom Task field but that didn't work either.

All hints are welcome.


Dale Howard [MVP]

Marco --

As you have discovered the hard way, ghost tasks do not carry all of their
task information into the project to which they are linked. I do not know
of any workaround for this problem. Perhaps some of the ideas will have an
idea for you. Hope this helps.

Kevin McC

Dale & Marco..

I have/had a similar issue, in that while I as the administrator added the
Notes field to the view in PWA (as you suggested) - ONLY the first line of
the Note was displayed in the field that was displayed in PWA...!!!

This came about as a Project Manager asked me to create a view that he could
see all of the notes - in one view - without having to double-click on each
of the tasks individually.

I still haven't resolved this one, but added it to my to-do list....but when
I read this very similar posting, thought worthy of posting also..

So, any tips on how to display the entire contents of the Note field in a
PWA field would be appreciated.



In a similar vein. I have many projects going at one time. The resource
working on task #2 in a project is delayed by some factor. That resouce puts
a note on his task. I (PM) can see it but, the resource waiting to do task #3
doesn't see what the hold up is. It would be nice if resources could put a
note at summary task or project level. Do you have any suggestions.

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