Viewing/opening messages crashes Outlook 2007



I have a problem occurring with Outlook 2007 since this morning. I have
Outlook 2007 running on a new Dell Dimension 9200 PC with Windows Vista
Ultimate. It was all working fine for past two weeks when I closed down my
PC last night, and I had not installed any new software or updates since. I
now find I can forward or reply to messages OK, but if I try to just read
them them in the reading pane, Outlook immediately says it has stopped
working and restarts. It then opens without the reading pane enabled, but if
I double-click a message to read it (without the reading pane enabled), it
again crashes and restarts.

I have spent all morning on the phone with Dell Support but they have been
unable to fix it. I have tried disabling all Outlook add-ins. I did have
Acrobat Pro v8 installed with it's add-ins (not causing any problems up to
now) but I uninstalled the Acrobat Plugin for Outlook via Add/Remove
programs, but it has made no difference. I have run scanpst.exe - no
problems found; have run Office Diagnostics - no problems found. Have tried
repairing Office 2007, and lastly completely uninstalled Ofiice 2007,
rebooted, and re-installed Office 2007 - but on opening Outlook I still have
the same problem.

This is very frustrating, and on searching Google, the Microsoft
Knowlegebase, and this newsgroup, I've only found one similar repoert - but
no solution. (By the way, I don't have Exchange or any Symantec products

Are any of you able to update me on this issue or suggest a solution. I'm
desparate ;¬(


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