Annie --
Yes, you can create a view to specifically look for tasks updates that have
not been processed by the project manager. Here's how:
1. Log into PWA with administrator permissions
2. Click Admin - Manage views
3. Click the Add View button
4. Select the Assignment view type
5. Give the new view a name, such as Unprocessed Task Updates
6. Select the following fields and place them in this order:
Task Name
Submitted On
PM Accept?
Project Manager
Resource Name
7. In the Default Group, Sort section, set the Group by value to Project
Manager and the Then by value to Project
8. In the Categories section, add the new view to the My Organization
9. Click the Save Changes button
Once you have created this new view, do the following:
1. Navigate to the Resource Center page and click the View resource
assignments link in the sidepane
2. Select all resources, if possible, and then click the Apply button
3. Select your new view using the Choose a view selector in the upper right
corner of the page
4. Collapse the sidepane on the left
5. Click the Filter, Group, Search tab and select the AutoFilter option
6. Collapse the Filter, Group, Search section
7. Pull the vertical split bar to the far right side of the page
8. Click the AutoFilter drop-down list on the Status column and select
"Changes submitted" from the list
At this point, your view will show all task updates that have been
sumbmitted to the project manager, but not updated by the project manager
into the actual project plan. Hope this helps.
Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
Denver, Colorado
"We wrote the book on Project Server"