viewing photos



I can't get Microsoft Office Picturer Manager to display ( using the arrow
button or in slide-show view) my pictures for me according to the field Date
Picture Taken. It always displays the pictures using the field Date Modified.
I can get my photos sorted by Date Picture Taken, but it wont let me view
them in that order. Is there a way to force it to let me view my photos
according to Date Picture Taken ?


Thanks Mary, but it still wont view them in according to when the camera took
the pictures ( Date Picture Taken). I have 30 pictures in a folder. I turned
on the column called Date Picture Taken. I clicked on that column header (
Date Picture Taken). They all get sorted in chronological order. I right
click on the first picture, then select Open with Microsoft Office Picture
Manager. On the bottim of the screen, I push on the next button to see each
picture. However, it doesn't scroll thru
all my pictures in chronological order ( ie: Date Picture Taken). Instead it
scrolls thru the pictures according to the Date Modified. In Microsoft Office
Picture Manager, I went to View, Sort by. I only have 4 choices:File Name,
Date, File Type, File Size. It WILL sort by File Name if I label all the
pictures with the same name and add a number afer them ( eg: peak (01), peak
(02), peak (03), etc.). It looks like it wont allow me to view the photos
according to Date Picture Taken because that field is not in Microsoft Office
Picture Manager. Is that correct ? Would I be able
to do this using another photo program ?

Mary Sauer

Have you tried It has a lot of nifty features, batch stuff
that the Picture Manager can't do.
It is a free program, get the plug-ins with the application, some formats need
the plug-ins.


I have not tried or heard of But I found and tried free
Picasa2. It worked! It displayed my photos in chronological order ( Date
Picture Taken). Thanks for your responses !!

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