Viewing task details in Project 2003 web



Subject: Re: Viewing task details in Project 2003 web
From: "Reggie Ponder"
<[email protected]> Sent: 9/29/2004
12:48:56 PM


I have the same problem; however, in addition I recieve
the following from my PS home page "There is a problem
establishing a connection with the Web server running
Windows SharePoint Services. " Are the two somehow
related? I can't add task an they view fine but the
enterprise 'published' project don't expand the task and I
get "There is no information to display in this view
Either the project manager has not published the project
plan or there is no information in the project plan to
display." I know some else out there has experiened
similar display issues.

Reggie P


I am having the same problem (the one Peter Lipczak has)... so Gary L.
Chefetz you are the expert.. any solution?????? and yaa i must add... i am
publishing the project. I added new risks in the project.... chnage some
tasks the publish everything.... everything was updated except when i click
on the project to view details, it gives that not publish message....

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


I suggest that you don't assume that you problem is the same as another, and
that you take the time to describe *your* problem and symptoms completely.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"



First of all sorry for the late reply. Secondly, I was just trying our
precious time by not writing the details.... well here are the detals.. I’ve
been assigned a task to get familiar with MS Project Server.. So I started
exploring it. I created a new project in MS Project Professional. Assigned
Resources and then I publish it. It was published on Project server. There
are few other projects added previously. When in Project Center where the
list of projects is given, I click on the project I added, it gives the
following message:

There is no information to display in this view
Either the project manager has not published the project plan or there is no
information in the project plan to display.

However, when I click on the projects previously added, it shows me the
details for these projects. So I thought I missed something while publishing
it. Then I went to the person who added/published the previous projects. I
asked him if I missed anything? Then he created a new project to show me how
it works and then he added/published the project and surprisingly same thing
happened with the project he added. He told me that he has installed SPs of
Project Server and MS Project Professional so maybe that is causing some
problem. Then I checked couple of website, found this one;en-us;810596
implemented all the workarounds except Method 2 and Method 7. The reason for
leaving Method 2 was that I wasn’t sure about the IIS thing and there were 2
reasons for leaving Method 7. First there was no XML file and SECONDLY I
didn’t find any service with the name Microsoft Project Server Views
Notification Service in the service manager.

I hope that explains it all and I haven’t missed anything. So Gary what do
you think what is the case of this problem..

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)


The service does not have the "Microsoft" in the name. If it's not listed
under services, it would certainly explain the problem. At this point, I'd
try rebooting the server. If the service doesn't appear, your installation
is suspect.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"



Gary L. Chefetz

I have checked the service, it is running. I restarted the service but in
vain. I am having the same problem.


Could you plz tell me in detail that what kindf error should i look for in
event manager

Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)

No, I can't. They show up all different ways. If you want help diagnosing
this problem, post any that you see relating to Project Server.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the books on Project Server"


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