Viewing Tasks in web not showing updated percent %



In a project plan I have assigned Resource A a Task called 'Testing' and
marked the task 60 percent complete. Resource A goes into Web access under
'My Tasks' and see the task 'testing' at 60 percent. Then I go into the
project plan (on my desktop) and update the percent complete to 80, and
republish the plan. If you look at the plan the task 'testing' is now at 80
percent but if Resource A goes to 'My Tasks' it still shows 60 percent, why
is this?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Cindy --

When you manually enter progress in the actual Microsoft Project plan, you
must click Collaborate - Publish - Republish Assignments, select the
"Overwrite actual work entered by resources" option, and then click OK.
Doing so will "push" the actuals you manually entered to each user's
timesheet in PWA. Hope this helps.


Copy / pasting tasks in Project plan can duplicate the tasks in timesheet.

To fix this you can run this query against your Project Server database..
First portion of query list the deleted tasks (with X in timesheet). The
second portion of the query removes those deleted tasks from timesheet (with

(Test the query in development environment first)

-- Query1 View list of Cancelled tasks (with X in PWA) before deleting them
Run following query

select ma.wassn_id, mp.proj_name, ma.task_name, mr.res_name from
msp_web_assignments ma
join msp_web_projects mp
on ma.wproj_id = mp.wproj_id
join msp_web_resources mr
on ma.wres_id = mr.wres_id
order by 1

-- Query2 Query to delete cancelled tasks (with X in indicator field) from
PWA TimeSheets of users.

delete from msp_web_assignments
where wassn_id in (
select ma.wassn_id from msp_web_assignments ma
join msp_web_projects mp
on ma.wproj_id = mp.wproj_id
join msp_web_resources mr
on ma.wres_id = mr.wres_id
ma.wassn_deleted_in_proj <> 0
-- AND mp.proj_name like 'ProjectName%'-- Uncomment for specific project


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Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


If you use republish you should select the checkbox to overwrite actual work
on the timesheet. Once you publish a plan, Project expects the updates to
come from the user through the timesheet. You're essentially
circumnavigating the intended flow. This change should be reflected in the
timesheet if you use "Publish new and changed" so use that when you update
tasks like this. You should also check your Project Pro options. Go to Tools
Options > Collaborate Tab. Make sure that you've selected the publish
options that you desire.



Dale's comment will work but shouldn't your Resource A submit the update
back to the project manager for approval on the percent complete on the
tasks? Sounds like if you constantly republish assignments and don't empower
your resources to update their tasks that have been assigned to them you will
be doing alot more micro-managing than what is really needed. Just a thought.


Thank you. I published the plan using the method Dale described, now 1 of
the tasks is not showing up for a resource. I look at the other tasks this
resource have and do not see a difference. Any ideas

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