Viewing the personal folders of another user



Here is the situation. This is for Outlook 2003

I have a team of colleagues that all have their own personal e-mail address.
They all reside on the exchange server.

We have a group e-mail that they all have access to. This group email
resides on the exchange server as well. It has personal folders that were
created and also resides on the server. They are not local folders.

Now I have it setup so that every user logs in with their personal e-mail
address. This account is setup to open up the group email account as well.
That is fine I have setup the permissions and delegates so that they can see
the inbox to the group email. Everyone can see what is in the inbox.

The problem is that the personal folders of the group email cannot be seen
by anyone. I looked into it seems that I have to give everyone permission to
the folders one by one. Seeing how there are about 25 to 30 personal folders
and I have a team of around 10 people that is a lot of work. The worse part
is I cannot even copy paste the list of people into the Add box because
"Paste" is greyed out.

So my question is the following. What is the best/easiest/quickest way for
me to give the 10 people access to the 25 to 30 folders without having to add
the permissions one at a time for every single folder!?

If you need more information or clarification let me know. I am subscribed
to this thread so I will respond rather quickly.

Thanks in advance!

Lars Petersson

Do you mean that this is a PST file?
If so, only one person can access the file at a time anyway so you'll want
to import it into the shared mailbox.

If it's a mailbox on the Exchange server, then you'll want the Exchange
administrators to grant each of the users user-level access to the mailbox so
you won't have to permission them against each folder.

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