Views in Project Center



We are using MS Project Professional 2007 and project server 2007. In PWA
views, how will I be able to see the Datum Exposure and Status view?
This view doesnt show up in the list? Do I need to create any custom fields
or views to be able to see this view?
Thank you in advance!

Jonathan Sofer

I am assuming this is a Project Center view available in the Manage Views
section of Server Settings? Try adding the view to all the security
categories or at least one that you know you have access to. This can be
done at the bottom of the edit view page.


Hi Jonathan,
I went to Manage views, but for some reasons, I dont see that specific view.
Do I need to create a new view and add all security categories? Is that what
you meant by adding the view to all security categories?

I see several View names for instance : Assignments Cost, Assignments
Detail, Resource Cost etc..etc...
Thank you in advance!


It appears that I dont have the custome fields defined for this view.
Can anyone help me in creating
MSP Field : Enterprise Project Text1
Custom Field: Project Budget
Order : 2
Width 100
Autosize : Yes
Table :
Gantt Scheme: Gantt chart
Grouping Scheme : TImesheet


Hi Hari,

Steps to create PWA view:

PWA home -> Server Settings -> Click on "Manage Views" under Look and

Click on "New View"

Choose View Type from dropdown

Give the name for the view

Add required columns from Available fields

Choose security categories from “Available categories”

Click Save


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