Views Post



I still can not reply to things. I will look into after I post this. I see
what you are talking about. I see how it works. There is one other things
that I want to suggest for Microsoft to change in a future version. The field
columns should be part of a view. I have a task sheet view and a task sheet -
print view. I set the task sheet print view to optimize for printing. I did
not have as many columns so it would be one page wide. However, to my dismay,
when I then switched to the regular task sheet view all the columns were gone
there, too. This means that I have it one way for when I work and whenever I
want to print something I have to change all the columns and make sure it
fits so it can be printed to be one page wide. Afterwards I have undo all the
changes I made and add the columns back. Thanks.


"Can not reply to things"?? See what who is talking about?? It appears
this post is part of a larger thread that isn't immediately obvious.

In answer to your question. Project fields ARE part of a view. A View in
Project is generally made up of four elements - a screen (e.g. Gantt
chart), a table (identifies which Project fields will be shown as
columns in the view), a filter (the default is "all tasks") and with
later versions of Project, a group (basically an organizing filter).

If you want one set of Project fields shown on the screen and another
set for printing, simply create your own separate custom Views. Check
the Project help file for information about creating custom Views.
Custom VIews are stored with the file, so they will always be available,
and by using the Organizer (Tools/Organizer), they can be moved to your
Global file so they are available to all Project files.

Hope this helps.



It sounds like you already have your custom views set up, correct? If
this is the case, then go to Table>More Tables and select the Entry
table for tasks. Click Copy. Rename the table to something appropriate
for its new purpose, edit the fields so that only the ones you want to
print are listed, and click OK. Then go to View>More Views and select
your print view. Click Edit and in the Table field, select the table
you just created. Click OK and this table will always be used for that


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