Views - sort order



I posted this on the Developer side in November, but nobody responded. I am
hoping somebody here might know:

In Project 2003 Server, on the PWA, in the admin function, under views, the
views are sorted alphabetically (in each group). When I go to the Project
Center, I want the views to be sorted alphabetically as well. Instead, it
appears to be sorted in the order that I add the new views. ANything I can
do about this?


I know WSS so forgive me if this answer is not an answer to your question.

In WSS Lists and Libraries, Views are sorted by ID number which usually
means that they are sorted in the order in which they are added. (This is
what leads me to believe that this is what you are talking about)

There is no way of amending the order except by deleting them and
re-entering the Views in the correct order. Of course as soon as you add a
new View later - it too will be added at the end.

Quick Launch items (Lists) on the other hand (default.aspx = main site page)
while added at the bottom of the list when created, *can* be arranged in any
order you want. (For which you need FP 2003).


Dale Howard [MVP]

CQ --

I am not aware of any way to change the sort order of Project Center views.
New custom views always appear at the bottom of the list. Therefore, I
would simply make it a training and performance issue with your people.
Hope this helps.

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