I have 2 excell sheets once contains the payments made by my bank basing on
cheque no and amount another contains (general ledger / gl)documnet no and
Both the sheets are having more than 20 columns and 20000 rows. Here i want
a formula
which should match contents of the bank statement (from top to bottom) with
general ledger on doc no and amount, if it matches it should put remark as
"Matched" in both the sheets, if it not matches as "Unmatched". If one entry
in bank statement is already matched with general ledger and if it repeats
again, it should show "already matched". Like wise it should run
through out the sheet.
Here what i am asking is, the macro/formula should compare both doc no + amt
(at a
time) with check no + amt in the GL sheet.
Thanks in advance for you guys who are ready to help me
PS: May the following will help you as the following is resolving only one
(checking the chq. no in bank sheet with doc no in gl sheet)
Sub matching()
Dim wsbank As Worksheet
Dim wsgl As Worksheet
Dim rngsrc As Range
Dim rngtarget As Range
Dim rngmatch as Range
Dim c As Range
Dim lrow As Long
Set wsbank = Sheets("Bank")
lrow = wsbank.Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
Set rngsrc = wsbank.Range("D2
" & lrow)
Set wsgl = Sheets("GL")
lrow = wsgl.Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
Set rngtarget = wsgl.Range("E2:E" & lrow)
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In rngsrc
Set rngmatch = Nothing
Set rngmatch = rngtarget.Find(c)
If rngmatch Is Nothing Then
wsbank.Cells(c.Row, "A") = "Not matched"
wsbank.Cells(c.Row, "A") = "Matched"
wsgl.Cells(rngmatch.Row, "A") = "Matched"
End If
Next c
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
cheque no and amount another contains (general ledger / gl)documnet no and
Both the sheets are having more than 20 columns and 20000 rows. Here i want
a formula
which should match contents of the bank statement (from top to bottom) with
general ledger on doc no and amount, if it matches it should put remark as
"Matched" in both the sheets, if it not matches as "Unmatched". If one entry
in bank statement is already matched with general ledger and if it repeats
again, it should show "already matched". Like wise it should run
through out the sheet.
Here what i am asking is, the macro/formula should compare both doc no + amt
(at a
time) with check no + amt in the GL sheet.
Thanks in advance for you guys who are ready to help me
PS: May the following will help you as the following is resolving only one
(checking the chq. no in bank sheet with doc no in gl sheet)
Sub matching()
Dim wsbank As Worksheet
Dim wsgl As Worksheet
Dim rngsrc As Range
Dim rngtarget As Range
Dim rngmatch as Range
Dim c As Range
Dim lrow As Long
Set wsbank = Sheets("Bank")
lrow = wsbank.Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
Set rngsrc = wsbank.Range("D2
Set wsgl = Sheets("GL")
lrow = wsgl.Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
Set rngtarget = wsgl.Range("E2:E" & lrow)
On Error Resume Next
For Each c In rngsrc
Set rngmatch = Nothing
Set rngmatch = rngtarget.Find(c)
If rngmatch Is Nothing Then
wsbank.Cells(c.Row, "A") = "Not matched"
wsbank.Cells(c.Row, "A") = "Matched"
wsgl.Cells(rngmatch.Row, "A") = "Matched"
End If
Next c
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub