Virus in Document


Stephen Davies

When I send Word documents as attachments to emails I often get them
rejected by servers because they say the document has a virus. How can I
get rid of the virus from the Word document. I don't have any macros turned


J.E. McGimpsey

Stephen Davies said:
When I send Word documents as attachments to emails I often get them
rejected by servers because they say the document has a virus. How can I
get rid of the virus from the Word document. I don't have any macros turned

The best way is to purchase and run an anti-virus program, like

Another way is to go through all your documents and templates
(starting with your Normal template), choose Tools/Macro/Visual
Basic Editor, and remove any macros you find in any modules (except
any ones that you know what they do and want to keep).

Note that running with macros turned off prevents macro virii from
propagating to other templates and files, but does not remove the
virii from the file or template.

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