virus update on the internet



I received a little pop up instructing me to do a virus update on the
internet. How do I do this?


Sorry, this newsgroup is for Microsoft Access, the database product.

However, you have almost certainly been infected by the Desktop.Hijack
virus or simjilar. DO NOT click any popups or links which say that your
PC has been infected with a virus. Those popups & links complete the
final stage of the process. At that stage, you could possibly have a
keylogger on your PC, which records all your keystrokes & mails them
off to someoine behind the scenes. So you absolutely would not want to
do any INTERNET BANKING on that PC, until you are absolutely certain
that the infection (if any) has been removed.

Sorry I can't tell you how to get rid of it. As a last resort, consider
taking it o a local PC shop & see i they can help.

TC [MVP Access]

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