Visibility property for CommandButton???



I'm very new to Word programming, but have added spell check code to a form with protected field, and stuck it behind a Spell Check command button. That works fine. but I want to hide the Command Button before printing out the Form (i.e I don't want the button to print out). I can't find a visibility property for this Object.... can anyone help



Hi Linda,



Jean-Guy Marcil
(e-mail address removed)

Linda said:
I'm very new to Word programming, but have added spell check code to a
form with protected field, and stuck it behind a Spell Check command button.
That works fine. but I want to hide the Command Button before printing out
the Form (i.e I don't want the button to print out). I can't find a
visibility property for this Object.... can anyone help?


Well - I've learned a few things, and have another question
The Print button works a charm as long as the Form is unprotected, so I've added an ActiveDocument.Unprotect statement in front of it. No worries
My Spellchecking function, however, just doesn't work when I put it in a text box. I think it is being restricted to a "range" that is defined just within the textbox, and isn't checking the form fields in another "range" outside of this
So, although the Print button stuff works for that funtion, I don't think it will work for another function - unless you have some other ideas. Sorry - but I'm really stretching my boundaries with this..


Can youm post your spell checking code?

Jean-Guy Marcil
(e-mail address removed)

Linda said:
Well - I've learned a few things, and have another question.
The Print button works a charm as long as the Form is unprotected, so I've
added an ActiveDocument.Unprotect statement in front of it. No worries.
My Spellchecking function, however, just doesn't work when I put it in a
text box. I think it is being restricted to a "range" that is defined just
within the textbox, and isn't checking the form fields in another "range"
outside of this.
So, although the Print button stuff works for that funtion, I don't think
it will work for another function - unless you have some other ideas.
Sorry - but I'm really stretching my boundaries with this...

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