Visible Problem!


Bob V

I want to make a control to become Visible if in the third Column of my list
box[lstModify] shows an "e" ,when I select a row I want the control to be
The Control now is set no Visible/No

Me.cmdEmail.Visible = IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.lstModify.Column(3), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)

Case Else
Me.cmdEmail.Visible = False
I have already a togggle button to email or not:
Private Sub cmdSendMail_Click()
If cmdSendMail.value = True Then
cmdSendMail.Caption = "Send Email"
cmdSendMail.Caption = "Do Not Send Email"
End If
CurrentDb.Execute "update tblAdminSetup set MailFlag = " & cmdSendMail.value
End Sub

John W. Vinson

I want to make a control to become Visible if in the third Column of my list
box[lstModify] shows an "e" ,when I select a row I want the control to be
The Control now is set no Visible/No

Me.cmdEmail.Visible = IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.lstModify.Column(3), 0)) _
And IsEmailOn, True, False)

The third column is Column(2) - it's zero based.

Bob V

Thanks John. Forgot 1st column Zero, Brilliant....Bob

John W. Vinson said:
I want to make a control to become Visible if in the third Column of my
box[lstModify] shows an "e" ,when I select a row I want the control to be
The Control now is set no Visible/No

Me.cmdEmail.Visible = IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.lstModify.Column(3), 0))
And IsEmailOn, True, False)

The third column is Column(2) - it's zero based.

Bob V

Thanks John worked Brilliant!...Bob

John W. Vinson said:
I want to make a control to become Visible if in the third Column of my
box[lstModify] shows an "e" ,when I select a row I want the control to be
The Control now is set no Visible/No

Me.cmdEmail.Visible = IIf(IsOwnerWithEmail(Nz(Me.lstModify.Column(3), 0))
And IsEmailOn, True, False)

The third column is Column(2) - it's zero based.

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