Visible = True - Not Working




I have a CommandButton on a UserForm That is covering a label and a
TextBox. If there is a number in the TextBox, I need for the
CommandButton to be NOT visible, so that I can see the number. If
there is no number in the TextBox I need for the CommandButton to be
visible and cover the Label & TextBox. Clicking the button will put
the next available number into the TextBox and at the same time make
the CommandButton not visible.

This is the code that I trying to use:

Select Case TextBox1
Case vbNullString
MsgBox "TextBox1 is Empty" & TextBox1
btnNextInvNumber.Visible = True
Case Else
MsgBox "TextBox1 Has A Number" & TextBox1
btnNextInvNumber.Visible = False
End Select

The MsgBoxes were to see if the code was actually going were it was
supposed to - it is. It is just not triggering the visible property

Is there something wrong with my code?

Is there some setting that would cause this not work?

And if there is, where do I look for it?

Any help would be appreciated.


Rick Rothstein

What event did you put that code in? Your code works for me if placed in the
CommandButton's Click event.


Hey Rick,

Thanks for the reply.

This code can't be called from the CommandButton's click event in
question because the CommandButton is supposed to be not visible when
there is something in TextBox2. And when TextBox2 is empty, it needs
a number (which is what the CommandButton creates when it is clicked)
and then, because TextBox2 is now no longer empty, become not visible
again. Does this make any sense to you?

The code snippet I posted earlier is in this public sub:

Public Sub ComboBox1Refresh()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 105
Select Case i
Case 2
TextBox2 = ComboBox1.List(ComboBox1.ListIndex, 1)
Select Case TextBox2.Value
Case vbNullString
MsgBox "TextBox2 is Empty" & TextBox2
btnNextInvNumber.Visible = True
Case Else
MsgBox "TextBox2 Has A Number" & TextBox2
btnNextInvNumber.Visible = False
End Select
Case Else
Me.Controls("TextBox" & i) = _
ComboBox1.List(ComboBox1.ListIndex, i - 1)
End Select
Next i
End Sub

This sub is called from many events including the ComboBox1 change
event, the format all TextBoxes sub and a few other subs.

Your reply got me thinking about the logic in my web of subs calling
subs. I think I'll take the time and map out these inter connections.

If you can think of any other items I should be looking at, please let
me know.

Any help will be appreciated


Rick Rothstein

Does your ComboBox have more than one column in it? If so, do some of the
entries in the second column have values while others don't?


Hey Rick,

Yes. I has 105 columns in it.

Yes. There are 27 rows in this ComboBox, The 27 rows have never all
used in the last 10 years. 27 is a legacy figure from when we had
more customers per day. These days we might have 8 customers but
usually we have around 4 per day. Column 2 is the invoice number.
This number is assigned on the UserForm by clicking on the
CommandButton. I am trying to make the button only visible when it is
needed - when there is no invoice number in TextBox2. The timing on
the ComboBox is set so that the first empty row in column 3 comes up,
then the code disables the up button. I still have to figure out how
to disable any other way of advancing to the second to 27 empty row.

If your willing, I could send you a copy of the workbooks, MCL6.xls
(trimmed down as a sample - needed as a source for the scheduler) and
the scheduler - 2008-08.xls. (yes, I am still in Office 2003)

From your question, it sounds like you may have an idea.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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