Visio 2002, disappearing Connection Points


John Sherry

I have made a shape with 4 connection points, one on each side. I then
connect the shape to other similar shapes using a connector (connector is
just one of the standard connectors) via one of the connection points.

If I then delete the connector I also see the connection point in my shape
disappear, (I also observe this in the shape sheet).

Can anyone tell me how I can stop the connection points from being deleted?
Best regards

Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]

This is related to Snap & Glue settings under the Tools menu.

If you have "Glue to shape geometry" or "Glue to shape vertices" checked,
then Visio will create temporary connection points when and where a
connector glues to a shape.

When you delete the connector, then the "x" goes away.

I tested with Visio 2003, and connection points that previously existed DO
NOT get deleted. Are you sure that your disappearing connection points were
pre-defined? Is it just a rendering problem, ie: if you move the shape or
window view, does the point come back to life?

It could be a bug in Visio 2002, I can't say for sure. The workaround would
be to turn off the "glue to..." options, so that the temporary points aren't
getting created at all.


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

John Sherry

Hi Chris,
I checked the Snap & Glue ( I did have Glue to guides and to Connection
Points, I have tried with Connection points only, it did not help).

I defined the connection points via the Connection Points section in the

It is not a rendering issue, if I move the symbol the connection points are
still gone.
This is confirmed by examining the ShapeSheet while doing these operations.

If I add a copy of each row in the Connection Section of the ShapeSheet it
seems not to happen, but I don't find this a satisfactory solution (two
connectors on each point) and I don't know how reliable the solution is then.

Have you more suggestions?
Many thanks for your help.

Chris Roth [ Visio MVP ]

I'm in-between machine rebuilds so I don't have a V2002 handy. I haven't
seen this one before. I'm all outta tips.

Anyone else got any ideas?


Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

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