Hi Beverly,
There are several ways of having additional information appear by clicking
on an object in a chart or cell in a table. you can use hyperlinks (ctrl+K)
or Insert > Hyperlinks to add a reference to a web page or another document
or even another page within the current document. See the Visio online help
for more information on adding hyperlinks.
A more advanced approach would be to create a VBA macro (or use an OLE verb
for a link or embedded object from another application) to update the text
on a single shape when you double-click on an item within a chart or
table -- look for information on extending the functionality of Visio with
macros by selecting Help > Visio Developer Reference, or refer to a Visio
reference book such as the Visio 2002 Developer's Survival Pack or Visio
Inside Out. I hope this helps.