Visio 2003 - Check box question



Hi there

I have relatively basic Visio skills, and want to know whether it is
possible to have a check box function in the process which allows to show if
a task is either:
1. not started
2. in progress
3. completed

the simpliest way was to get the staff to colour the box a different colour
as tasks were moved along but i would a way for them to just hit a check box
of one of the above and have the shape in which that task sits in to be a
different colour.


David Parker

You can change the color of the shape according to the selection made from a
pull down list
For example, you could add a custom property/shape data row named, say
Status, with a a Type 1 (fixed lsit) and a Format "not started;in
You could insert a User-defined cell called, say, StatusTrigger, with the

The user selects one of these items in the list, Red to Yellow to Green

These changes should be done to the Master shape so that any instances
inherit them automatically

I cover this sort of thing in my book "Visualizing Information with
Microsoft Office 2007"


Hi David,

Thanks for your reply. I vaguely understand what you are saying however,
don't know how to start the process of doing what you have instructed.

are you able to provide me a step by step?

Office dummy


Hi David,

Thanks for the links. I realise that my skills in Visio are very very basic
from reading these blogs. I have never used anything more than dragging
shapes into the page and putting connectors and adding text. (Sorry thats why
i am calling myself dummy)
the most advance thing I can do is to add a hyperlink. i am sure you ROFL by

thats why a step by step would be greatly appreciated!!!

David Parker

I didn't ask if you are using the Professional edition of Visio.
If so, yoiu could use Color By Value under Tools / Addons / Building Plan
No programming, but you will have to re-run when you have shnaged values, I

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