Visio 2003 SDK using layout multiple pages



Hi ,

I m using the Visio 2003 SDK to create flowcharts from a excel file.
The excel file contains list of module names and names of modules
called by and from the modules.

I understand that i need something similar to organization charts for
my layout.

I have tried using layout type-7 (align shapes in left-to-right
fashion). I cant fit in all modules in same sheet. I need to use
multiple sheets.

Does the sdk have any help-arounds in creating new sheets and taking
care of hyperlinks.

Or has anyone implemented a solution to this problem.

Thanks in advance,
Raju G (MCAD)

Chris Roth [MVP]

Hi Raju,

This idea might interest you, although it's not a typical solution for
flowcharts or orgcharts: try changing the drawing scale to fit more shapes
on a page. You can do this under File > Page Setup > Drawing Scale tab. Set
a scale of 1in = 2in, for example.

You might have to reduce the font size of the shapes after you do this as


You can make the drawing page itself twice as big, then simply set print
options to "Fit on 1 page across x 1 page down" in the File > Page Setup >
Print Setup dialog.

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Free Visio shapes:
Visio programming info:
Other Visio resources:


Hi Raju,

This idea might interest you, although it's not a typical solution for
flowcharts or orgcharts: try changing the drawing scale to fit more shapes
on a page. You can do this under File > Page Setup > Drawing Scale tab. Set
a scale of 1in = 2in, for example.

You might have to reduce the font size of the shapes after you do this as


You can make the drawing page itself twice as big, then simply set print
options to "Fit on 1 page across x 1 page down" in the File > Page Setup >
Print Setup dialog.

Hope this helps,

Chris Roth
Visio MVP

Free Visio shapes:
Visio programming info:
Other Visio resources:

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the suggestion. It seems to work well.

But my requirement is to split up the flowchart into readable chunks.
So basically i would need to use connectors to move around pages.

The problem i m facing is how to split them up so that there is
minimum connectors.

I feel its some graph-theory problem. I would like to know if Visio
has any off-shelf solution to this..

Raju G



I have one more doubt. I was re-reading ur solution.. n it flashed.

Does a Visio page have a certain maximum limit on number of shapes ?
Does it flag any alerts if it exceeds and can i capture this event ??
This might help me split the flowcharts..

Raju G

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