Visio 2007: cannot edit text in a shape

  • Thread starter Kids Talk About God
  • Start date

Kids Talk About God


I am learning Visio 2007 and working on a diagram. I have several
"shapes" on the page with text in them. When I double-click to edit the
text, I just get a blank rectangle. I cannot see the text to edit it. I
have tried changing the text color, but that's not the problem.

Please advise...

Thanks! Loads of blessings!

Mark Nelson [MS]

What diagram and what shapes are you working with? If you draw a plain
rectangle, do you see the same problem?

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

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This problem can be solved by click "back" & the text will be in high-light
Tried it.
It troubled me for 20mins in different shapes.
The other complex way is that you might check the set up of
format/"protection", "behavior", "layer" by right click.

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