Visio 2007 - Note: Additional properties not shown



I am running Visio 2007 and have created custom data fields.
Unfortunately, it seems that only 20 fields can be shown. So, I have a
message that says at the bottom of the shape data:

"(Note:Additonal properties not shown)"

Of course, there is no explanation as to how to get access to the
missing fileds. Micorsoft KB search is also amazing - nothing there

Can anyone help?

I love this. It is so easy to findd this solution. Microsfot does a
really great job at it!

John Goldsmith

There's two primary ways of interacting with Shape Data. The first is
through the dialog you're currently using and the other is the Shape Data
Window available via the View menu. The second one has a scrollbar!

Best regards


John Goldsmith


Thanks for the information John. I just love the way it is explained
in Microsoft KB articels (zip), and Visio Help files (zip), I fail to
understand how a company can relase a product without proper
documentation and then expect customers to pay for a support call.

Thanks again.



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