Visio automation of viewer control?




I have been given the task to automate a Visio P&ID drawing. The
automation is very simple I need to allow the user to click on a valve and
then set an IO point on a machine and change the color of the valve shape to
green or red depending on the state of the IO. Now I can load the drawing
fine with the viewer or draw controls in .Net. I prefer to use the viewer as
the interface is nice and clean for zooming and the user will never change
the drawing. Can I automate with the viewer control or must I use the draw
control? All I need to get is a click event off the valve shapes to set my
IO. I have never worked with Visio drawings before and the whole thing is a
bit confusing.


David Parker

The Visio Viewer control does indeed have an API (Microsoft Visio Viewer
12.0 Type Library) that reports back the selected shape (note that the
selection is limited to a single shape in the Viewer)
However, all you get back is the shape index, but you can use the index to
get the custom properties/shape data (and hyperlinks) of the selected

Private Sub AxViewer1_OnSelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As
AxVisioViewer._IViewerEvents_OnSelectionChangedEvent) Handles
'You can get Me.AxViewer1.CurrentPageIndex
'and e.shapeIndex
'Use Me.AxViewer1.get_CustomPropertyCount(lShape) to get the number of
SHape Data rows
'Loop thru using, or similar,
For lProperty As Integer = 1 To
Dim propName as string .=
Me.AxViewer1.get_CustomPropertyName(lShape, lProperty))
Dim propVal as String =
Me.AxViewer1.get_CustomPropertyValue(e.shapeIndex, lProperty)

Next lProperty

Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

You can then use this information to access a database or something....

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