Printer method of active Visio document fails for new
print server. Error generated:
"Method 'Printer' of object 'IVDocument' failed"
Error number : -2147417851
I can manually print from a visio document to this printer.
I can ping the print server name
I have tried substituting the print server name for IP
If I choose the new printer "\\NEW_PDC\Printer1" as
default and skip over the line setting the printer and
just run "dummy = objVisPage.Print" it prints OK.
I can print to the same printer when i go via the old
print server (\\ACME_PDC\Printer1).
Permissions on the two print servers seem the same
I'd really appreciate any ideas!!
Test code:
Private objVisApp As Visio.InvisibleApp
Private objVisPage as Object
set objVisApp = New Visio.InvisibleApp
Visio.AlertResponse = 7
Set ObjVisPage = objVisApp.Documents.open
= "\\ACME_PDC\Printer1" ' old print server works
'ObjVisApp.ActiveDocument.Printer = "\\NEW_PDC\Printer1" '
new print server fails
dummy = objVisPage.Print
Visio.Activedocument.Printer = gstrPrinterName
Printer method of active Visio document fails for new
print server. Error generated:
"Method 'Printer' of object 'IVDocument' failed"
Error number : -2147417851
I can manually print from a visio document to this printer.
I can ping the print server name
I have tried substituting the print server name for IP
If I choose the new printer "\\NEW_PDC\Printer1" as
default and skip over the line setting the printer and
just run "dummy = objVisPage.Print" it prints OK.
I can print to the same printer when i go via the old
print server (\\ACME_PDC\Printer1).
Permissions on the two print servers seem the same
I'd really appreciate any ideas!!
Test code:
Private objVisApp As Visio.InvisibleApp
Private objVisPage as Object
set objVisApp = New Visio.InvisibleApp
Visio.AlertResponse = 7
Set ObjVisPage = objVisApp.Documents.open
= "\\ACME_PDC\Printer1" ' old print server works
'ObjVisApp.ActiveDocument.Printer = "\\NEW_PDC\Printer1" '
new print server fails
dummy = objVisPage.Print
Visio.Activedocument.Printer = gstrPrinterName