Visio Closes Without Warning



I have a user who is using Visio 2002 sr1 on WinXP. Visio intermittently shuts down/closes. This action occurs on a variety of files with a variety of file sizes (the latest was 440KB). Actions to cause the abrupt close of the application include print preview and printing to Adobe Distiller (5.0). Visio.exe is running in Task Manager Processes eventhough is it has been shut down. When the user goes back into file she receives a message that "(file name/ location) is already open for editing by (username) on (server name). Would you like to open a copy?" If a copy is opened the changes made to the file are naturally gone because of the abrupt closing the program. The only way to resolve this issue is to stop visio.exe in Task Manager Processes or to re-boot pc.

The only recent change to the pc was downgrading the user to Outlook 2002 from Outlook 2003. (User has Office XP). This should not have anything to do with the funtionality of the Visio. One more thing, the user does use the dreaded Adobe toolbar; however, the toolbar does not appear in the Visio application.

Any suggestions to prevent the automatic closing of Visio? I've searched this without any luck.

Thanks in advance.

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