Visio crash being caused by the mouse wheel???


Steven B

I am currently developing a visio document. This document on open uses vba
code to hide toolbars, page tabs, and scroll bars.

This works fine with no problems for me. But when i try to distribute the
document to my clients, ONE page crashes if they move the mouse wheel.

The only thing that is different about this page is that vba code adjusts
its view to 175% while all other pages are adjusted to -1 (whole page).

So far it crashes everyone except myself and one other client.

Any ideas?

Al Edlund

Just curious about tools => options => general => zoom on roll with

Steven B

Just an update to this problem, i tried re-enabling everything that was
disabled for that one page, and it STILL crashes visio if the mouse wheel is

I am now going to try it by adjusting the view to -1 for that page. I will
update back when I have tested it.

Steven B

Ok. Now the page has the tool bars enabled, the scrolls are no longer hidden,
and the page tabs show. also the view setting is readjusted to -1 exactly
like the rest of the document.

It is STILL crashing.
Now I am all out of troubleshooting ideas. :(

I do not know if it is worth mentioning, but all the shapes on this page are
placed, sized, named, and labaled thru use of vba code.

Also worth noting, after the page is generated and loaded, you cannot move
the mouse wheel or visio crashes.

HOWEVER, if you make ANY change at all..and this means, changing the text of
a label or going into the options and changing something...ANY CHANGE
whatsoever, and you willl then be able to scroll the mouse wheel without
experiencing a visio crash.

Weird, huh?

Steven B

Ok. apparently, you do not have to even change anything. If you just click
the mouse button anywhere on the page (including an empty spot where nothing
'gains focus') you are then able to mvoe the mouse wheel.

I am beginning to think it is something in my code that is locking things up
but I do not know what it could possible be. :(

Al Edlund

or possibly the mouse driver :-(

Steven B said:
Ok. apparently, you do not have to even change anything. If you just click
the mouse button anywhere on the page (including an empty spot where
'gains focus') you are then able to mvoe the mouse wheel.

I am beginning to think it is something in my code that is locking things
but I do not know what it could possible be. :(

Steven B

I do not think that the mouse driver would be bad on 10 different pcs.
It works great on mine and one other.
But on every other pc i have tested, Crash. :(

Steve B

The cause of this is not settings. It is not code.

It is SP3.

Once I updated my visio to SP3 i started experiencing the crash as well.

Now what?

Al Edlund

I personally would open a ticket with MS.

Steve B said:
The cause of this is not settings. It is not code.

It is SP3.

Once I updated my visio to SP3 i started experiencing the crash as well.

Now what?

Steve B

Well, I have opened a ticket with MS and spent several hours on the phone
troubleshooting this. As it turns out, it is not a problem with my Visio, my
code, or my system specs.

This is a bug within Visio that they were not aware of, which exists in
almost EVERY version of visio and almost EVERY build.

The microsoft rep I was on the phone with opened his visio, with a blank
page, added a MS Forms 2.0 Listbox control, scrolled his mousewheel and BOOM!
his Visio crashed.

Makes me feel a bit better. At least I know it isnt me. ;)

Paul Herber

Well, I have opened a ticket with MS and spent several hours on the phone
troubleshooting this. As it turns out, it is not a problem with my Visio, my
code, or my system specs.

This is a bug within Visio that they were not aware of, which exists in
almost EVERY version of visio and almost EVERY build.

The microsoft rep I was on the phone with opened his visio, with a blank
page, added a MS Forms 2.0 Listbox control, scrolled his mousewheel and BOOM!
his Visio crashed.

Are you sure there isn't more to it than that? I've just tried that on
all the versions here and no problem with any of them.

Steve B

Well according to the rep thats all there is to it. However, he did just send
me a hotfix that was designed to fix this issue. I am downloading and
installing it now. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue.

If you are not having the same problem, then possibly you have already
downloaded this hotfix. :)

I think that is very possible. I do have one user here who is able to use
the document without experiencing a crash...So obviously there is some sort
of fix for it.

It is just a matter of locating it I suppose. hopefully, this is the one and
I can package it for my other users.

I will post again after I test this matter.


There is a similar chain in microsoft.public.excel.programming "Mouse Scroll
event in listbox kills Excel." I can replicate this issue on XP and Vista
OSes, both using Office 2007.

Is anyone aware of a private hotfix from MS?

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