Visio crashes under following circumstances


Nikolay Belyh

The steps to reproduce:

(create a diagram with a stencil that can be edited)
1. Start Visio.
2. Create new blank diagram (File -> New Drawing)
3. Create new blank stencil on this diagram (File -> Shapes -> New
4. Save this stencil and the diagram.

(the problem)
5. Open the saved diagram.
6. the stencil for editing (right-click on stencil header, then "Edit
7. Create new master (New master...).
8. Open the master for editing (Edit Master -> Edit Master shapes, or
double-click it)
9. *Don't close master's shapes window, and quit editing the stencil*
(right-click the stencil header, "Edit stencil").
10. Answer something to "save changes" dialog.
11. Visio crashes here :(

Video (5-11):

This problem seem to exist in all visio versions I have checked (2003
to 2007 SP1)

Can somebody please report this, unless it is fixed already? ;-)

Kind regards, Nikolay.


Hi Nikolay,

Thanks for movie.
In Japanese version it seems it is fixed. (Visio 2007)
Because an error message appears saying that "The master shape is empty. You
cannot make any shape." with [OK] button, and Visio does no crush down when
you press [OK].

Nikolay Belyh

Hi Nikolay,

Thanks for movie.
In Japanese version it seems it is fixed. (Visio 2007)
Because an error message appears saying that "The master shape is empty. You
cannot make any shape." with [OK] button, and Visio does no crush down when
you press [OK].

Can you draw something for mastershape to be not empty? A rectangle
would do.
For me, it does not make any difference (i.e. Visio crashes as well).

Kind regards, Nikolay.


I've tried rectangle agein, but Visio does not crush.
No. 9 in your steps neglects all the changes in shapesheet editing window.
And dialog in 10 does not appears.

Nikolay Belyh

I've tried rectangle agein, but Visio does not crush.
No. 9 in your steps neglects all the changes in shapesheet editing window..
And dialog in 10 does not appears.

This is the behavior I expected. But unfortunately this is not the
case for me. I don't have any 3-rd party plugins installed; just clear
windows and visio installation.

We were able to reproduce this with:
Windows XP SP3 (EN, DE, RU), Windows Server 2003 SP2 EN, Vista x64 DE.
Visio 2003 SP2 DE, Visio 2007 PRO SP1 (EN, DE, RU).

Means, it can be reproduced with every system we checked :)
Unfortunately we did not check with Japanese version, so I can't say
anything about it.

BTW, are you sure you are clicking "End Edit" for the stencil window
at step 9 FIRST, while master's shapes window is still open? I think
this is what causing this issue here, actually. If you close the
shapes window first, then everything works perfectly... Actually the
whole issue is not that important, I just wanted it to be known for MS
developers (and hopefully fixed in next sp or release).

Kind regards, Nikolay


Yes, I am sure you are clicking "End Edit" for the stencil window
at step 9 FIRST, while master's shapes window is still open.
And then, Visio neglects and closes stencil window without saving any change.

Nikolay Belyh

Yes, I am sure you are clicking "End Edit" for the stencil window
at step 9 FIRST, while master's shapes window is still open.
And then, Visio neglects and closes stencil window without saving any change.

OK then.. It seems then that "it depends" :)
Anyways, thank you for the time you spent to check this.

Kind regards, Nikolay.

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