Visio DB diagram to XML database?



I have a database diagram that normally I would "generate" under the
"database" menu. However, this time the database will be stored as a flat
file in .XML format, based on the database diagram. Is there a way to
generate this in automatically with visio?

For example if I have table "category" in visio with one PK field of
"ID_Cat" it would make an xml like:

<table name="category">
<ID_cat type="primarykey">

....or at least something along those lines, not necessarily exactly like
that .xml.

Any help would be appreciated.



Scot Becker

Hi John,

On my website there is a free utility that will export the model meta-data
as XML and from there you can write a little XSLT if you don't like the
schema I used. Also, there is some included sample XSLT that will convert
the output to XML schema.

Scot Becker

Orthogonal Software

ORM Blog/Portal:

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