Visio document hot key problems


Top Spin

I am having 2 problems with Visio's active document arrangement:

1. If I open 2 completely different documents, Visio treats them as
separate pages under the Window menu item rather than separate tasks.
This means that to hot key between them I need to use Ctrl+F6 rather
than Alt+Tab.

Is there any way to fix this?

This wouldn't be so bad except for problem #2:

2. When I open a Visio document, the same 3-4 pages are always
automatically loaded into the "active" page list (Windows menu item).
How can I get these to go away? Why does this happen?

Using Visio Standard 2002 (10.0.525)
PC: HP Omnibook 6000
OS: Win 2K SP-4 (5.00.2195)
Email: Usenet-20031220 at

Mark Nelson [MS]

Visio does not use the single document interface that Excel and Word use, so
Alt-Tab is not an option. I'm not sure what you are describing in your
second statement.

Top Spin

Visio does not use the single document interface that Excel and Word use, so
Alt-Tab is not an option. I'm not sure what you are describing in your
second statement.

I have Visio document that has 14 foreground pages plus 1 background
page. Every time I open it in Visio, 3 pages immediately show up nder
the Windows menu item.

On the toolbar, I click on Windows and I see:

1 Book name.vsd:Background-1
2 Book name.vsd:page-4
3 Book name.vsd:1

The document pages are numbered


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