Visio drawing created in V.2003 loses data in V.2007



I have a user who created a Visio drawing with Visio 2003 however when
another user opens the drawing with Visio 2007, after the organizational
chart opens, it loses data and gets extra boxes in the drawing.

I can open with Visio Viewer 2003 and see the drawing as it was created.

Any ideas why the loss of info when opening with Visio 2007?


James Wittrell

Are you sure the drawing was originally created with Visio 2003? Sometimes
if an older drawing is opened in Visio the shapes may need to be updated in
order for it to work properly in the current version. I cannot explain why
you are getting extra boxes without taking a look at the drawing; you may
want to open a support case.

James W.

Thread-Topic: Visio drawing created in V.2003 loses data in V.2007
thread-index: AcmxcddixRgBt5cjQ0KaOyUFNDnxiQ==
From: =?Utf-8?B?TGluYQ==?= <[email protected]>
Subject: Visio drawing created in V.2003 loses data in V.2007
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 12:58:05 -0700
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I have a user who created a Visio drawing with Visio 2003 however when
another user opens the drawing with Visio 2007, after the organizational
chart opens, it loses data and gets extra boxes in the drawing.

I can open with Visio Viewer 2003 and see the drawing as it was created.

Any ideas why the loss of info when opening with Visio 2007?



Hi James, thanks for the reply. I verified on the original that the user
created with Visio 2003. It did not contain the extra boxes and contained all
the necessary text in the org boxes. When another user who has Visio 2007,
like myself, opens the same visio org chart, the extra boxes appear and some
text is lost.

James Wittrell

OK so what happens if you save a copy of the drawing in 2003 in the vdx
format then open it with Visio 2007?

James W.

Thread-Topic: Visio drawing created in V.2003 loses data in V.2007
thread-index: AcmzjsB6xB0OO52vQqiER4UM/5sFIg==
From: =?Utf-8?B?TGluYQ==?= <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Visio drawing created in V.2003 loses data in V.2007
Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 05:30:05 -0700
Lines: 50
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
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Newsgroups: microsoft.public.visio.general
Path: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl
Xref: TK2MSFTNGHUB02.phx.gbl microsoft.public.visio.general:12135
NNTP-Posting-Host: tk2msftsbfm01.phx.gbl
X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.visio.general

Hi James, thanks for the reply. I verified on the original that the user
created with Visio 2003. It did not contain the extra boxes and contained
the necessary text in the org boxes. When another user who has Visio 2007,
like myself, opens the same visio org chart, the extra boxes appear and
text is lost.

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