Bill Key here. I, too, am having the same problem with this exact and other,
similar, issues. I'm trying to work around them by generating macros to do
the dirty work for me. It works but it's pretty unsatisfying. I say
unsatisfying because one has to(near as I've been able to find out) actually
activate any specific macro through the toolbar menu map.
It'd be VERY much quicker if I could somehow create the macro and assign it
to a customized toolbar button up where I could access it qucikly. One can do
that in every other Office application that quickly comes to mind (Tools,
Customize, Commands, Categories, Macros...but wait... There Is No Macros
CATEGORY!!! (weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth as I'm cast into outer
darkness with the other friends of the bridegroom who arrived late...I
understand that one has to use Biblical allegory and metaphor nowadays.
Otherwise, lists are generated...categories are assigned.))
I've spent the last 6 hours surfing the web, Googling the hell out of every
site imaginable and it seems that one just can't assign a macro to a toolbar
button in Visio 2K3. The possibility easily exists that I've just not found
it yet, though.
I don't pretend to be anything like a Visio guru and I won't be a bit
suprised to learn that there's a better/faster way to do it , but the macro
route will get you to your destination. Does anybody have any poop that
speaks to my (and I hope, Art's) pain?
Also, I don't know how to request that this...uh...request, I guess, be
rated/graded/voted on for being forwarded to Microsoft. Did that statement
meet the requirements for being such a request?