Visio linked to Access - edit Access Data from within Visio



I have a map made in MS Visio which is linked to an MS Access database. Each
item in visio contains a serial number which is linked to serial numbers in
the MS Access Database. Each 'shape' is linked. The access database is about
40 columns of data per serial number which is tied to the shape. I need to be
able to edit the data from within Visio.

If I edit the shape data, it doesn't make the modifications to the access
database, but does maintain the change in the shape data until I refresh the

How do I make the changes in visio shape data record to the access database?


Since it wasn't said explicitly but might be inferred, I'll assume you're at
v2007 using datarecordsets. DataRecordsets do not support 'round tripping',
i.e. read and return. It's a read only mechanism. Updating a shapes' shape
data does not update the datarecordset either.
The database wizard does support read/write.
If you're doing this all in custom code you might consider a custom class
with the necessary CRUD routines (create, read, update, delete) for your
data access layer.


Thanks for the response. I probably should have posted my question in the
newbie section, and not developer. In order to link the shapes to the data, I
create the shape data, naming it Serno, and add the serial number to the
shape date field. I will then auto-link the data. Serno data field in Visio =
Ser No data field in Access.

I can also drag and drop the links to the shapes. No problems there. The map
is then saved to a webpage, and uploaded to a share drive, and then used by
many many people. Every week, the data is updated, uploaded, refreshed.

The data is only changed or updated by a few people that work for/with me.
For years we have been utilizing the MS Access database. The map has never
been linked to the access database before, and only until recently did we
start looking at the benefits of linking the two. As we venture deeper in to
this project, it makes sense to be able to edit the MS Access database from
within Visio.

There are only 3 fields of data that I need to be able to change from within

Yes, MS Visio 2007 is what I am using to create, but at work we have 2003,
so backwards compatibility is needed as well.


The more you explain, the more it looks to be a custom visio application.
The dbwizard gives you a 'batch' type of function to read a diagram and save
it to a target, it's not really interactive. v2003 does not support
datarecordsets and is not an option if that is required. Neither of them
will protect a concurrency issue (i.e. two user updating the same drawing at
the same time). The key concept is "where the data will reside "(drawing or
database). If the target is to only allow db activity via the drawing then
you might have to consider adding a document management (sharepoint?)
component into you solution so that only one user can modify it at any given

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