Visio moving my shapes



Visio seems to have taken it upon itself to start moving things. When I
paste or move an object, Visio will kindly move objects that it lands on out
of the way. I've no idea how to turn it off and it's anything but helpful!

All help will be welcome!

Chris [Visio MVP]

A couple of ideas:

File > Page Setup > Layout & Routing tab.

There's a checkbox: "Move other shapes away on drop". Perhaps this is

Select a shape, then go to Format > Behavior > Placement Tab. There's a
setting mid-way down that talks about "Plowing", which is the name for the
abherrant behavior that you are seeing. You can disable this on a per-shape
basis via this dialog.


Yep - that got it. Thanks Chris!

Quite surprised this is an actual "feature" rather than a side effect...

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