Sean Hardie
-I currently have visio .net pro. 2002. And the class I'm
taking is using a newer version. When I start my project
at home and take it to school, it works fine. But when I
start project at school and carry it home I get a message
saying -(unable to read project, file was created with
newer version of visio wich is incompatible with your
version. Need newer version.)
-Does anyone know wear I can get updates or downloads to
so they can be compatible. Or does anyone have any ideas
so they would be compatible with each other.
-Thanks in advance, your help is appreciated-
taking is using a newer version. When I start my project
at home and take it to school, it works fine. But when I
start project at school and carry it home I get a message
saying -(unable to read project, file was created with
newer version of visio wich is incompatible with your
version. Need newer version.)
-Does anyone know wear I can get updates or downloads to
so they can be compatible. Or does anyone have any ideas
so they would be compatible with each other.
-Thanks in advance, your help is appreciated-