Visio Org Chart report: How to list page numbers aginst names?


Saeed Anwar3


I have prepared a document in Microsoft Visio 2003, as Organisation Chart.
There are 25 pages and about a thousand names in as many shapes.

I need to prepare a report showing Index of the names alphabetically, in one
column and in a separate column showing the page numbers in the document
where these name occur. Some names occur on multiple pages.

I expect the index to be prepared as it looks in Microsoft Word. Multiple
references in Word document show multiple page numbers against each reference

In the reports, I have not been able to show the page number against each
name. I do get the name column but not the page column. I expect the
application to automatically extract the page number from the document.

I have read the Help info from the Visio application for dozens of hours. I
have tried to get the report compiled through each of the following methods:

1. Tools – Reports
2. Tools – Export to database
3. Tools – Add ons - Visio Extras – Link to database

I have tried to set page number as custom properties but I have not

Please guide me what to do so that the report gives me the Visio document
page against each name in alphabetically order

David Parker [Visio MVP]


Page numbers in Visio are not as straight forward as you think because the
sequence of index numbers can be disturbed by the presence of background or
markup pages. This is why you only get the page name. Of course you could
name your pages "01 - My first page", "02 - My second page", etc

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