Do you think you could reliably inform people when the Visio Viewer 2003 will be available
Many people have invested in your latest product version having read your marketing information which states many many times how visio drawings can be shared to anyone with a viewer ! My consultancy firm has sold this latest version to many clients with this being a major drawcard ! We are now constantly getting it in the neck
Please stop just counting your money and deliver what you promise. Surely this is false advertising ! And indeed Fraud ! I know we couldn't sue you because you would just use your expensive lawyers to wrap it up in the courts for many years until we went broke. But as a usually Microsoft friendly consultant, the amount of grief I am now getting becasue of this I am starting to change my opinions rapidly.. as is my failing patience
Do you think you could reliably inform people when the Visio Viewer 2003 will be available
Many people have invested in your latest product version having read your marketing information which states many many times how visio drawings can be shared to anyone with a viewer ! My consultancy firm has sold this latest version to many clients with this being a major drawcard ! We are now constantly getting it in the neck
Please stop just counting your money and deliver what you promise. Surely this is false advertising ! And indeed Fraud ! I know we couldn't sue you because you would just use your expensive lawyers to wrap it up in the courts for many years until we went broke. But as a usually Microsoft friendly consultant, the amount of grief I am now getting becasue of this I am starting to change my opinions rapidly.. as is my failing patience