Many thanks for your response but i think it is included in the viewer and i
will explain why.
I have made a C# application with a form that contains the viewer as an
activeX for customizing purpose.
I have notive several properties on the AxViewer object that correspond to
the settings of the viewer.
For example :
axViewer.PageVisible for viewing the border of the page
axViewer.PageTabsVisible for viewing the pages tabs
axViewer.GridVisible for viewing the grid
and the property axViewer.AlertsEnabled
When i fix the value of AlertsEnabled to false, in my viewer application the
warning does not appears but if does not have effect in the viewer with
internet exlporer.
Some settings are available through the viewer display settings dialogbox
and they have effect on the viewer but only in internet explorer.
When you modify them, you can notice the creation of some registry keys in
For example :
ShowPage = TRUE for viewing the border of the page
ShowPageTabs = TRUE for viewing the pages tabs
ShowGrid = TRUE for viewing the grid
As there is no setting in the DisplayDettings dialogbox for AlertsEnabled, i
suppose that perhaps a registry key not documented exist for that property.
Many thanks if you can dig with me to have a response for it.
Many thanks.