There are two ways to resolve this issue.
Method 1
1. Close Visio if running by ending the process from task manager .
2. Then go to start--> Run then type Visio /r and click ok.
3. Then try closin Viso the normal way.
Mehtod 2
Close Visio if running By ending the process form the task manager.
1. From the Control Panel, Open Add or Remove Programs
2. Select Adobe Acrobat Professional, Change button
3. In the Adobe Acrobat Setup wizard, Click on Next
4. Select Modify and Click on Next
5. Expand Create Adobe PDF > Expand Create Adobe PDFMaker > Click on
Microsoft Visio and in the menu that drops down, Select This feature will
not be available
6. Click on Next and Click on Update
7. Next click on Finish to finish the settings
Microsoft Enterprise Services & Support for Business Applications