Thanks Paul.
I got lost when I did the research, but I could not find anything that
relates their product to Visio. I was going to let it slide when I saw the
first one, but I changed my mind when I saw the rest of the posts. The
perception given is that mike is a disinterested third party that just
stumbled across the product. He never mentions that his paycheque is
directly tied to sales of this product. Questionable marketing tactics like
this put the quality of the product in question.
Microsoft provided these newsgroups so that users can find free help with
problems with Microsoft products. The general rule is that solicitation and
advertising is not allowed. Those who have actually supported the community
are allowed the occassional transgression, but it is usually in the context
that it solves a specific problem and they do not hide their relationship
with the product. The Visio newsgroups have been relatively free of problems
that have occurred in other Microsoft newsgroups.
In the past, the use of the sigline as an advertising vehicle has been
questioned, but the general consensus is that as long as the body of the
post is on topic and useful, the sigline is not an issue.
John... Visio MVP
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