Viso Shapes Meanings


Jen in Alton

Can anyone tell me where to find a listing of the "meanings" for Visio
shapes? I'm using 2003, and can't seem to find it anywhere. I'd like to have
a reference as to which shape should be used in which situation.
Thanks in advance!

Al Edlund

would you like to give us a clue as to what you are doing and what shapes
you are using? (I use a network version with about 15000 shapes)

Jen in Alton

Mainly, this would be for procedural flowcharts. I know the 'basics'
(Process, Decision, Manual Operation, Manual Input, etc.), but there are so
many more shapes even on the "Basic Flowchart Shapes" Stencil, I was
wondering where I could find out what they would be used for. Can't seem to
find it in Help...

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