Vista blocking macros in Excel



I have some engineering spreadsheets that run macros and create files.
These have always worked fine in Windows XP. I have a new laptop with Vista
and now everytime I run the macro, I get a "Permission Denied" message". I
have gone to the security settings and turned the protection mode to off, and
now they run fine, but have to live through a lot of messages form Vista
about my security... and I wousl like the extra virus rotection witht he
protetcion on. Is there a way to turn the protection back on and still have
Excel run its macro and create files? Also, I have administrator rights.


Hi Nick,
In the macro, xcel is trying to create a script file which will be read by
another engineering applciation - this is where the error is. Nothing
abnormal that I can see.... has worked for years on other Windows.

Is there away to turn off the Protection just for Excel?


I'm just starting with Vista. So far I have a it to be so slow and such a
PITA that apart from some testing I will avoid it until it is either
improved or superseded.
W2K still rules for me.

It may be a case of WHERE in the file system Excel is trying to create this
Many of the folders are write protected now.
Check out the various thread in "microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion"
relating to Vista for an idea of where you should be writing.
Also bear in mind that Vista employs "Virtualisation", meaning that each
user sees their own stuff, which does not necessarily correspond to the file
system that someone else sees.

Not sure, but the fact that it a script file may have an impact on Vista
and/or virus protection.


Bob Flanagan

Ted, if you are trying to create the file in the Program Files directory,
Vista will most likely block that. I have found some machines are allowed
to create files there and some machines don't. My work around has been to
use the temp directory, Environ("Temp")

Bob Flanagan
Macro Systems
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel


Good call, the Excel progrom is writing to an installed FEA program and it is
inthe program files.... I will move it ans see how it does, but makes
I many need to rewrite the macros fr the poath name but not a big deal I


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