Vista Compatibility



Front Page 2003 seems to be uncompatible with Vista.
It also has no Office 2007 equivelent. So what is going to happen?
An update, or a new version. Either would be acceptable at this point, But
as for
now, I'm using another computer for web publishing, which is a pain.

Kevin Spencer

What do you mean by the statement that it "seems to be uncompatible with
Vista"? And what exactly "has no Office 2007 equivalent?" Vista? That's an
operating system. Office is a separate product.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Software Composer

A man, a plan, a canal, a palindrome that has.. oh, never mind.

Sam Johnson

By "incompatible", he is probably having the same problem I am, but I think
it is a Vista problem. The problem that I am having is thatg both Front Page
and Expressions will not allow me to access my web-hosted website at all, irt
will only open websites that reside on my copmputer. When I try to open my
remote-hosted website in any way, shape or form (even through FTP), it tells
me "Unable to access this location" or words to that effect.

I have been maintaining websites for 8 years and always used Front Page to
directly access and manage my remotely hosted websites. I bought a laptop
with Vista specifically so I could do that on the road. Vista will not even
access the website.

This is a HUGE problem for me. It appears there is some far-fetched
security setting that is prevenint me from accewssing remote websites. I
suspect Vista is treating my remotely hosted website as a network because
when I do get a username and password box to fill in, it doesn't recognize it.

PLEASE tell me how to get Front Page - and Expressions - access my remotely
hosted website.

Also, Front Page certainly IS an Office product. That's how I bought it for
'98, '2000, 2002 versions - -> in Office. I bought 2003 separately.

Thank you!!

Sam Johnson

I am probably having the same problem as sparky: I cannot access my
remotely-hosted website AT ALL, not just in Front Page, but even through FTP.

When I try to access a website with Vista using EITHER Front Page or
Expressions, it tells me my computer is not able to access any such location
(or words to that effect).

When I open Internet Explorer in Vista and select Front Page or Expression
to edit the page, it will only open that page, whereas, with XP or any
previous version of Windows, it opens the entire website.

Is there a security setting or Registry seting or something that I can
change in Vista that will stop preventing me from accessing my website?

I bought a laptop (with Vista, of course) SPECIFICALLY so I could access my
several websites while on the road and edit them to keep them up to date.
When I had this problem, after several hours of trying to figure it out, I
uipgraded to Vista Ultimate hoping it would solve the problem. It didn't.

I NEED to be able to open and edit remotely hosted websites. How do I do
that in Vista with Front Page, Expression or any other program?

Thank you!!

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

What happens when you open the web the normal way:

Open FP (or EW)
File | Open Site

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression

|I am probably having the same problem as sparky: I cannot access my
| remotely-hosted website AT ALL, not just in Front Page, but even through
| When I try to access a website with Vista using EITHER Front Page or
| Expressions, it tells me my computer is not able to access any such
| (or words to that effect).
| When I open Internet Explorer in Vista and select Front Page or Expression
| to edit the page, it will only open that page, whereas, with XP or any
| previous version of Windows, it opens the entire website.
| Is there a security setting or Registry seting or something that I can
| change in Vista that will stop preventing me from accessing my website?
| I bought a laptop (with Vista, of course) SPECIFICALLY so I could access
| several websites while on the road and edit them to keep them up to date.
| When I had this problem, after several hours of trying to figure it out, I
| uipgraded to Vista Ultimate hoping it would solve the problem. It didn't.
| I NEED to be able to open and edit remotely hosted websites. How do I do
| that in Vista with Front Page, Expression or any other program?
| Thank you!!
| "David Berry" wrote:
| > FrontPage is going away and Expression Web will be the replacement. You
| > get a free trial or the beta at
| >
| >
| >
| > | > > Front Page 2003 seems to be uncompatible with Vista.
| > > It also has no Office 2007 equivelent. So what is going to happen?
| > > An update, or a new version. Either would be acceptable at this
| > > But
| > > as for
| > > now, I'm using another computer for web publishing, which is a pain.
| >
| >
| >

Sam Johnson

The problem with that is that I bought this laptop specifically to do this
work on the road.

Hey: All of these "Experts" who have been responding saying "the next
thing" , Expressions IS the next thing and it doesn't work either.

It appears to me this is definitely intentional by Microsoft because
Expressions doesn't work either. They are probably going to try to sell you
another $300 program that can do what XP, 2000, 98, 95 and 3.1 could already

It's back to XP for now, apparently. I will do a dual boot configuration
and work with XP until I figure out when I will shift to Linex or Mac..

Arrivederci, Microsofto


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