Vista w outlook2003 w BCM error connection to database engine



i have vista home prem. and outlook 2003 w business contact manager and when
starting outlook and answering yes to use BCM i get a message saying "There
was a problem connection to the database engine To try again please click
Retry , If problem persists check Help. Well ... I need help ..... thanks


thanks Sat
but i found out that if i download and install the Outlook with business
contact manager file "BCMV2UPD.EXE" it works fine with the funky Vista OS
it is a shame that MS doesnt give better support for the programs that will
not work properly with vista , at this point i am ready to switch OS to one
that is compatible with the programs that I have already spent a small
fourtune on already , seems like it is a way for MS to milk more money from
people , and with all the computers (new ones) having this OS pre installed
it is a scam . oh well that is big business not helping the customer
thanks for the help

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