Vista Home Premium SP1
Word 2007 SP1 (12.0.6311.5000)
MS Office (12.0.6213.1000)
All fully updated according to MS Update.
If I have Word 2007 open and preview a Word .doc file in Windows Explorer,
moving back to Word and selecting the Switch Windows option (Ribbon or Quick
Access Toobar) shows an untitled document, which appears to be for the
previewed document.
Sometimes the name of this untitled document matches an untitled document I
am actually working on, so with a number of documents open, I'm left to guess
which is which. If I click on the one that refers to the previewed document,
I get inconsistent results. Sometimes it kicks focus back to Windows
Explorer, sometimes Word churns for a couple of seconds and then does
nothing, and sometimes Word seems to try to create a new document window, but
can't finish the job.
The last of the three things is occassionally causing Word to lock, so I
have to ditch my work and start over from my last save.
Word 2007 SP1 (12.0.6311.5000)
MS Office (12.0.6213.1000)
All fully updated according to MS Update.
If I have Word 2007 open and preview a Word .doc file in Windows Explorer,
moving back to Word and selecting the Switch Windows option (Ribbon or Quick
Access Toobar) shows an untitled document, which appears to be for the
previewed document.
Sometimes the name of this untitled document matches an untitled document I
am actually working on, so with a number of documents open, I'm left to guess
which is which. If I click on the one that refers to the previewed document,
I get inconsistent results. Sometimes it kicks focus back to Windows
Explorer, sometimes Word churns for a couple of seconds and then does
nothing, and sometimes Word seems to try to create a new document window, but
can't finish the job.
The last of the three things is occassionally causing Word to lock, so I
have to ditch my work and start over from my last save.