Visual Basic error




I am encountering this error every time I open my Word
2003 application. There is a dialogue box
headed "Microsoft Visual Basic" and the message
is: "Object doesn't support this method or property".

I can't get rid of it though I have heard it has to do
with a macro or script. How do I find out the cause and
get rid of this message?

Thanks very mcuh for any assistance.


Helmut Weber

Hi Soppante,
if I envoke this kind of error in autoexec,
I find myself in the visual basic editor,
with the offending command selected.
What do you see? Has the dialog a button "debug"?
Have you installed any add-ins?
If you are not used to programming at all,
rename to for example.
Try to get rid of any add-ins. That is *.dot in
your office-path in the folder "Startup". Put dots
present there somewhere else.
Good luck.
Greetings from Bavaria, Germany
Helmut Weber,MVP
"red.sys" & chr(64) & ""
Word XP, Win 98


Hi Helmut,

Thanks very much for the prompt and helpful response. I
found a file named in Word's STARTUP
directory and renamed it *.old; when I restarted Word the
problem had disappeared - Wonderful! (But does anyone
know what the above add-in refers to and what it does?)

In any case, thanks again for the speedy help,



Jonathan West

Hi Helmut,

Thanks very much for the prompt and helpful response. I
found a file named in Word's STARTUP
directory and renamed it *.old; when I restarted Word the
problem had disappeared - Wonderful! (But does anyone
know what the above add-in refers to and what it does?)

It would have been installed along with some othjer software that you have
installed on your computer that was intended to interact with Word in some
way. What that software might be I have no way of telling. You could maybe
check the properties of the file and see if there's any clue there.

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