kiran chand
I need to run word operations from visualbasic6.
these operations are such as If I specified the dimensions in vb,
those dimensions should be applied as page
alignments(left,right,bottom,top) for word document, similarly spell
checking etc from a single click from vb6.
If I selected a folder insetead of a word document, all the
documents present in that folder should be updated as per the
sepecifications that I mentioned in vb coding.
If any of U know Plz help me
these operations are such as If I specified the dimensions in vb,
those dimensions should be applied as page
alignments(left,right,bottom,top) for word document, similarly spell
checking etc from a single click from vb6.
If I selected a folder insetead of a word document, all the
documents present in that folder should be updated as per the
sepecifications that I mentioned in vb coding.
If any of U know Plz help me