Visual basic version?


Dave Neve


I'm completely new to Visual Basic and I have started by reading a book
called 'Visual basic 6 for Idiots' (says it all).

Thing is I don't have VB in my programs but it is available through Word or
Frontpage (XP Family edition)

However the book and VB on my computer are quite different and I'd like to
know if I have a fully fledged version of VB or a 'reduced' one.

Thanks in advance

Jonathan West

Hi Dave,

Visual Basic 6 is a separate product, no longer sold by Microsoft. It is
different from the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) that comes as part of
the Office applications.

The basic syntax of VBA and VB are the same, and there will be things that
you can learn from the book.

The following important areas are different.

- VB uses Forms, VBA has UserForms which do something similar but are
somewhat simpler with fewer features.

- Each Office application automatically makes its own object model available
to VBA, making available a large number of objects which are not listed in
the book.

Charles Kenyon

A good resource for you in working with vba in Word are the VBA and UserForm
FAQs on the MVP FAQ site (see below).

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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