Visual notification of tasks that can be worked on



I would like to have a visual notification of all the tasks that I ca
work on at any given time on the sheet view. Maybe have it highlight o
change the color of the task when all the predecessors have bee
completed, or possibly make a new column that has a green dot notifyin
me of what tasks are ready to be started. Is there a simple way to d

Rob Schneider

The simplest is to construct a filter called "Tasks I can Work On" which
implements the logic you define to display tasks. The filter can be a
complex as you can invent/implement/stand; even using functions you
write yourself.

If you wish to create a "green dot" it is sort of the same. Invent the
algorithm that defines "tasks I can work on". Implement that algorithm
as a function in a custom number and have it return 1=yes, and 0=no.
Instead of showing 1 or 0, display the graphical indicator of a "green
dot" for 1.

that all being said ... is this too complicated? Why not simply look at
the plan and work on those things that are late and critical, and those
things that are critical?



Hi Lesyk

Simplest would be to insert a Grid line for the 'Current date' in your Gantt
chart view. This Grid line will automatically shift everyday as the computer
date will change. Then the bars which it is crossing that day are to be dealt
with that day.

I hope it helps.


For my own reasons I would like to do what Lesyk has described. What
componenets do I use to check the ProjDateValue of the predecessor task?

essentially -
iif(predecessor_task <> ProjDateValue("NA"),1,0)
where 1=green and 0=red


Jeff said:
For my own reasons I would like to do what Lesyk has described. What
componenets do I use to check the ProjDateValue of the predecessor task?

essentially -
iif(predecessor_task <> ProjDateValue("NA"),1,0)
where 1=green and 0=red

First of all, it looks like you are trying to do this with a formula in
a customized field. Sorry, no can do. Formulas can only work on data for
a given task line and predecessor data is on a different task line (i.e.
the predecessor task's line).

Second, Lesyk wanted an indication of tasks that could be started based
on their predecessors all being 100% complete. Rob gave an approach for
doing that but I agree with Rob in that simply looking for tasks that
can be worked on is not the best approach to managing the project.
Working on critical tasks is much more important.

Third, the ProjDateValue simply converts an expression to a date. How
does that relate to a predecessor task as you indicate in your desired
"formula"? Seems like trying to compare apples to oranges.

Project MVP

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