Visual Source Safe communication




I have an Excel VBA application that needs to communicate to Visual Source

Upon researching the topic, I understand that one can do this in VBA, but
dont quite understand how to go about doing this.

Application does talk to both MS Access (for database communication) and MS
Outlook (for emails).

I'm guessing, the method is more / less the same mechanism where you create a
VSS object in the communication routine .. .

public sub mySub()

Dim myObject as Object
Dim commString as String
commString = ".... " ' whatever you need to stuff connection info,
user id / passwd, etc here ...
myObject = CreateObject(" VSSDatabaseObject " ) ' ???
myObject.Open comString, ,,, ' (humor whatever parameters ?)

(essentially following the same methodology one would use to communicate to
other objects) ...

Is this the proper approach ? ... would love to see a VBA code example ...
I did find something very similar in Java that accomplishes this ...

Would appreciate any help.


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